I've had to take some time off from blogging, but in the meantime please take the time to read the articles by the discerning blogger over at Menno-lite. Click on the article named to go to the links.
Mennonites and the G8 Interfaith Religions Summit (August 11, 2010 by the olives)
MB Herald Promotes Contemplative Centre, Again (August 3, 2010 by the olives)
Shaine Claiborne will be the keynote speaker for the 2011 National Youth Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches (July 7, 2010 by the olives)
Earth Care, Green Bible and Roman Catholicism (June 16, 2010 by the olives)
MB Herald calls A New Kind of Christianity "a book on freedom" (June 14, 2010 by the olives)
MB Herald Spotlights Claiborne's Socialist Propaganda (May 19, 2010 by the olives)